
How Smartphones can Boost your Productivity


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A smartphone is an indispensable tool for many people. It can be used to stay in contact with friends and family and keep you organized, but did you know that it can also make your work more efficient?

The following tips will help you maximize the power of your smartphone so that it boosts your productivity in all sorts of ways:

Read Your Voicemail

Voicemail is a great way to stay on top of your messages, but it can be not easy to listen to and sort through them when they're all recorded by a computerized voice. Luckily, there are some simple ways to improve the voicemail experience:

Accessing Voicemail: You can access your voicemail from any phone at any time simply by dialing your number followed by the pound sign.

Get a Second Line

The easiest way to get more done is to use a second line. A second line can be used for personal, business, email, social media, marketing, sales, and customer service.

You want to be on the phone only some days talking with your family or friends when you could be doing something else that makes money.

A second line will help you focus on what needs to get done to make money and grow your business.

Stay Focused

If you're like most people, your smartphone is one of the first things you reach for each day.

It's convenient and easy to use but can also be distracting if you need to get the settings right.

One way to keep yourself focused on what's essential (and limit unnecessary time spent on social media) is by using a timer for apps like Facebook and Instagram that lets users know how long they have left before their session expires.

Try blocking distracting websites with browser extensions or smartphone apps that block access altogether, as well as tracking how much time you spend on different activities so that you can adjust accordingly when necessary.

Automate Tasks

Automation is among the most effective ways to save time and focus on what matters most. The beauty of automating tasks is that it frees your mind from having to remember them so that you can focus on more important things like writing or designing.

You can automate tasks such as:

  • Emails - set up automated responses for specific questions, so you don't have to answer them repeatedly.

-This will save you hours and hours in a year, especially if someone asks the same question every week or month.

It also helps keep your inbox neat by sending emails all at once instead of manually sending each one individually (which takes up valuable time).

  • Social Media Posts - if specific posts appear regularly on social media (such as blog post mentions), then why not automate those so they appear automatically?

-This saves loads of time since it doesn't require any work from your side other than setting it up once.

And since these are automated posts, who cares if they aren’t perfect? They still look good enough for most people, anyways.

Add a Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistants are task-focused workers who can help you organize your day, complete tedious tasks, and more.

They can be found on websites like Upwork or Fiverr, offering thousands of virtual assistants for hire.

Many virtual assistants will work remotely and charge by the task, so it's essential to set clear expectations about what you want them to do and how much you're willing to pay.

If you need help scheduling meetings or organizing your inboxes, your virtual assistant can help out there too! If not, let us know in the comments below!

Stay in contact with the office from wherever you are.

If you're an entrepreneur, staying in contact with your office or customers while you're away can be a challenge. Fortunately, plenty of apps make it easy to keep in touch on the go.

If you need help with customer service calls or appointments, consider using a virtual assistant to handle them.

Then use an app like Google Voice or Talkatone to make outgoing calls at no charge (or free Wi-Fi).

You can even record messages from the road and send them via text so that people hear from you when they want.

When ordering supplies from suppliers and vendors, try using a phone number that lets callers leave voice mails rather than text messages—

many suppliers prefer this because it's easier for them to respond quickly and efficiently without having to type out lengthy responses every time there's an issue with an order.

As these tips demonstrate, smartphones are helpful for all sorts of things, including productivity.

Smartphones are handy for all sorts of things, including productivity. This article will show you how to make the most out of your smartphone by using it in the workplace:

  • Examples of how smartphones can help you be more productive at work
  • Tips on how to be more efficient with your time and money when using smartphones
  • How a smartphone can help you with flexibility in your workday
  • How to use innovative technology that is beneficial to your career and life


We hope this information has made it easier for you to understand how valuable smartphones can be in boosting productivity.

They make it easier than ever to stay on top of the things that matter most, whether that means networking with colleagues, automating tasks, or even staying in contact with people far away from where we live.

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Kit Yarrow
Kit Yarrow, Ph.D., is an award-winning consumer psychologist, a professor, author, consultant and speaker. She is the author of several bestselling books including Gen BuY. Kit is a widely recognized authority on the psychology of consumers—and on the Millennial Generation in particular—Kit is regularly quoted in a variety of media including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, and Good Morning America.