
Six Best Time-Saving Tools for Writing Blog Content

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Creating and maintaining a successful blog demands unwavering attention to certain aspects. Every blogger has a unique ways of presenting their blogs. Designing and developing content comes out in distinctive presentations even if two or more bloggers work together. The essence of blogging is to maintain a steady audience by giving them the content they desire.

There are six tools online that can aid both experienced and novice bloggers in their blogging activities. These tools can be handy in improving the quality of content in the blogs while keeping the traffic smoothly moving on the blog and user engagement optimum.

You will need to go through six reviews and online forums you get to know about any of the tools. Your primary work will be to sample as many of them as possible while taking note of their impacts on your writing. Apart from these tools that enhance your writing and save you time, you will rely heavily on online proofreading services for good-quality content.

The following are seven tools that we sampled and noted to be among the most effective ways of enhancing what you’re writing and saving lots of time:

1. Write or Die 2

This tool aims at doing away with writer’s blocks by giving punishment for procrastination and rewarding accomplishments. The predecessor was mainly designed for punishing only, but the second version introduced rewards. It’s important for those writers who get distracted from writing. The tool starts to undo what you were typing when you stop typing.

This tool does not do this by default. There are other punishment options for you to choose from. After you get comfortable with it and want to do some serious typing, you can enable the Kamikaze mode. As you get more comfortable with using this tool, it’s recommended that you set higher goals and steeper consequences.

2. Thriving Writer

The thriving writer is an online platform that offers custom essay writing services. The site has a workforce of professional freelance writers ready to give you whatever assistance you require: be it essay writing or getting an affordable proofreading service online. This group of writers offers high-quality work content and plagiarism free. They are diverse in areas of specialization and thus will allow you to choose the most suitable and qualified for your work. They aim to give you success in your career.

3. Stay Focusd

This tool is designed for those writers that get easily distracted by online distractions. This tool is your number one preferred weapon if you are in this category of bloggers. As it does not allow you to visit distracting websites, it will save you a ton of regret. It also ensures that your time and focus are on your current work. You will be more productive as your attention is solely on your work.

This tool is a Chrome plugin, so if you use Firefox, your equivalent tool will be LeechBlock. It works in the same way as StayFocusd and ensures similar results.


This mind mapping tool has proven to be effective on several occasions. This website offers you a platform to do some help brainstorming and mind mapping without needing complicated options. It has an attractive interface features intuitive graphics with drag-and-drop features for fast operations that can keep up with your flooding new ideas.

The most defining feature of this tool is the ability for you to connect and share with other users. After creating your mind map, you can easily save and share it with other users. You can also invite other users to participate in your current mind map project, or you can join your friends’ projects.

5. Quora

Quora is more of the go-to place when you are interested in knowing what’s “trending” online. Quora is a website that allows audiences to express what they need or comments they may have regarding a particular subject topic. This website has proven invaluable to bloggers. Why is this? Thanks to Quora, bloggers no longer waste time figuring out what audiences are talking about or need. What works for them? This is because with Quora, bloggers to ask questions and get feedback within no time. Resources that could have been spent trying to determine the answers to the questions are saved. It’s often inspirational and gives bloggers audiences that they can engage.

6. Evernote

Evernote is the perfect solution for bloggers to quickly jot down random thoughts and ideas to write on and put down the main points of an article they are writing. This tool allows a blogger to get his thoughts put down on the go and avoid a scenario where he then forgets.

We tend to be forgetful, and Evernote works to save us from that. It’s always a bummer to forget great ideas or points we had previously conceived. Notepad works the same as Evernote, except that you publish your thought offline and save it to google drive for future access. Both can be accessed anywhere, anytime.


Writing is a skill that will take years to master and be good at. However, you will never run out of room for growing. You have learned many tricks and tips for enhancing your writing. New ideas keep popping up daily, and new techniques and styles develop faster than you can imagine. All these are aimed at making your writing more pleasurable and fruitful.

Keep an open mind for new ideas. Just keep on trying. It won’t hurt; you will find out what works best for you and what not to try again. You can even contract developers to create a tool designed specifically for your type of writing environment. Finally, share your experience with using this or other available tools has worked out well for you.

Author Bio:

Christina Buttons is a web content writer and blogger from LA. I am a graduate of the University of Southern California. Currently, I write for various blogs like Thriving Writer or similar. I am interested in education, writing, blogging, motivation, etc.

I use my writing as a tool to further the education of others—my free time I spend with my family and friends or riding my bicycle. You can connect with me through Twitter or Facebook. I’ll be happy to hear you. Drop me a line!

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