
How to use Email Marketing

Email Marketing
Marketing is key to having a successful business. There are many ways to do this effectively. One such strategy is email marketing.

Table of Contents

Email marketing is essential to any business, whether big or small. Of course, email has been around for decades, but that doesn't mean it isn't practical.

Email is still one of the most popular ways to engage with customers and prospects. So what makes email marketing so effective? What can you do to keep your subscribers engaged? And how can you make sure your emails get delivered without getting flagged as spam? Learn all this and more in this guide!

Step 1: Start with your goals.

First things first: make sure you have a clear goal in mind. For example, your goal might be to increase sales, acquire new customers, or keep existing customers engaged. 

Once you've defined your goals, figure out the type of customer that would be most interested in hearing from you regularly. This could be anyone from active buyers to passive prospects—depending on what kind of strategy works best for your business and its goals.

Once this step is complete, it's time to establish a budget and time frame. A good rule of thumb when determining how much money should go towards an email marketing campaign is 10% of your total monthly revenue. So, if your company did $1 million in monthly sales last year (or even just $100k), then $10k should probably cover everything related to email marketing for the next month or so. Of course, this assumes no significant changes occur within those few months (like hiring new employees).

Next up: determine what resources are available for this project; are there other people who can help? Do they have enough availability left after completing tasks related directly to sales/marketing? Do they need additional training before being able can work on projects like these? Are there any external costs involved with setting up the infrastructure required, such as hosting fees associated with using tools like MailChimp or ConstantContact?

Step 2: Make an Email Marketing List

You can't build an email list if your customers aren't aware of it. So you'll want to ensure that you have a clear call to action on your website and in any other marketing materials you use. 

Your call-to-action should be specific and ask the user to enter their name and email address so that they can receive updates from your business.

Once people have signed up for the list, you must keep them engaged. 

Email campaigns are great because they allow you to send messages about new products or services, announce sales and promotions, provide helpful tips related to what you sell, etc., without having to set aside time with each customer or spend money on advertising.

It's also essential not only that emails continue but also that they're sent frequently enough to engage recipients but not too frequently where they become annoyed by how often they get an email from a particular sender. If they get annoyed, they may end up unsubscribing due to frustration (which is why using MailChimp makes sense).

Step 3: Create an Email Campaign

You now have a list of email addresses, and they've given you the green light to send them messages. 

This means it's time to create some actual campaigns that will keep your customers engaged with their product or service.

Email campaigns are emails you send to people who have opted-in for your marketing messages. 

You can use templates for these email messages to make them feel cohesive or customize each one individually with different information depending on what the customer might be interested in at any given time.

You should send one or two of these emails per week (at least), but don't overwhelm people by sending too many at once. Getting people to read their emails these days is hard enough, so you don't want them deleting yours before even reading them because there are so many notifications waiting for them on their phones at once.

Step 4: Send Your Messages

Whether you're sending emails to your entire list or just a segment of it, there are some essential things to keep in mind:

● Timing. You want to send your emails at times when the recipient is most likely to see and respond to them. 

On average, people open emails within 3 hours of receiving them, but this varies depending on how close they are to their computer (or phone) when they get the message. 

To maximize engagement rates, send emails early in the morning, so recipients have time before lunchtime to respond if they want, or late in the evening, so they don't feel like they're getting interrupted while sleeping or relaxing at home.

● Recipients matter. Ensure you aren't sending too many messages at once—you wouldn't want more than 6-8 messages arriving in one day. 

If you have multiple newsletters reaching different segments of your audience, make sure each one has its dedicated email address so that people can unsubscribe easily if necessary without having access issues with other communications from you. This also helps ensure better delivery rates by providing less clutter in inboxes, so messages don't get buried under one another. Otherwise, they could end up unread after delivery which could cause negative feelings toward both the sender and brand. This will decrease the likelihood of future purchases from a customer because of the perceived lack of quality control over communication channels that a business uses to keep customers informed about new offerings available through the company website/social media feeds, etcetera.

Keep your customers engaged and keep them coming back by utilizing email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing is a great way to engage customers and keep them returning.

The first step in becoming an email marketing expert is understanding how to use it to your advantage. 

By keeping your customers engaged, you can keep them coming back, which is a good thing for you and your business.

If done right, email marketing campaigns can help increase revenue by providing your audience incentives or discounts on relevant products or services. Here's how:

● Keep Your Customers Engaged With Email Marketing Campaigns

With the right strategy and approach, it's possible to increase revenue by using email marketing campaigns to incentivize repeat business through discounts or special offers on products and services related to yours. Don't you have time or resources? That's where I come in.


Now that you've learned all about the benefits of email marketing and how it can help your business, it's time to start. 

Remember that many great tools are available to help you build an effective email marketing strategy. 

Make sure you choose one that fits your needs but also has enough flexibility so that you don't have to worry about spending a ton of time learning how everything works before getting started on emails.

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Crosby Jeffler
Hi, I’m Crosby Jeffler. This blog will discuss my methods for creating multiple income streams. I generated over $2M of sales in the past two years, and I’ll share how I did it.