
Becoming A Self-Made Millionaire (Just By Having Killer Speaking Skills)

presentation skills speaker

Table of Contents

Being a blogger has opened my perspective about the lives we all are living these days.

Since last summer, I have changed my life and have dived into the online business that has made ordinary people Millionaires.

I am nowhere near these successful entrepreneurs, but I am up for a challenge.

Throughout my journey as a stay-at-home online business owner, I have realized the importance of “having free time whenever I want” and “working late nights when needed.”

After a whole year of learning, reading, implementing, and growing my blog, I understand entirely how demanding and time-consuming this commitment is.

Why “Inspire Me” Series?

Several people have inspired me throughout one and a half years, and I feel that I need to share the stories of these extraordinary individuals with you.

These are the people to who I can relate because they all had ups and downs, they all made difficult decisions, and they all gave up essential things in their lives to achieve success.

This series also reminds all the new bloggers that it is not easy. There will be days when you will be drained, exhausted, tired, and want to quit because you feel like you are wasting your time, but you must keep going.

Blogging or any kind of online business is not an overnight success plan. It requires patience, motivation, and dedication. But, you are in it for the long run!

Nicole Walters

I will share my chat with a self-made millionaire who had humble beginnings, but she achieved a successful corporate career and earned a decent six-figure salary for many years.

You will be amazed to read what changed the course of her “Ideal life” and how she became a professional motivational speaker and corporate trainer.

Why is it important to share Nicole’s story?

My “Inspire Me” series aims to introduce you to the experts of different industries. I have followed and met most of these people myself and have followed in the footsteps of these people to achieve guidance in my online business.

After meeting Nicole at a Personal Finance Conference this year, I became a fan in those 30 minutes I heard her. She is not somebody you can forget. At least I did not forget her.

She is such a high-energy, full-on kinda gal. Someone you want to hang out with all the time.

She had humble beginnings as a daughter of immigrant parents, but she worked hard and managed to make a great life for herself. Her life course changed for her when her husband had some medical issues. Now she owns a multimillion-dollar business and helps entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

I am thankful that she agreed to be a part of my series, and I am sure you will also feel the energy and motivation I feel every time I listen to her.

Here’s my Chat with Nicole!

1. A short Bio of how you ended up in this business and a little about your family?

I spent a decade working in Corporate America and had all of the perks and the nice paycheck, but it wasn’t fulfilling anymore. So I decided to quit my six-figure job and turn my side-hustle into a business.

Since I’ve taken all of the experience I have gained working for major corporations and built business education programs that are transforming the lives of thousands of everyday entrepreneurs.

Many of them were experiencing the same desires I had when I decided to step out in faith – they feel purposed for more than a paycheck but need help figuring out how to put all the pieces together.

I’m also a believer, a wife, and a mom to three children. 

2. What is one thing that has been consistent in your career?

From day one in my business, I’ve been focused on investing in my legacy. While making money helps sustain the business and gives me a great lifestyle while working, it is ultimately a tool.

I use that tool to invest in great content, vendors, team members, and client experiences. Furthermore, I like to invest in top-notch education and training for myself to keep bringing my best to my community.

It’s not easy to acknowledge and show up to grow- but evolution is necessary to compete in the marketplace- and that’s been my focus since the beginning. 

3. Tell me about a time when you almost gave up, how you felt about it, and what you did instead of giving up?

About a year ago, my 17-year-old was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, by the grace of God, she is 100% healed- however, nothing makes you question everything like almost losing a child.

I wanted to give up, and no one would blame me if I did. But, instead of giving up, I chose to focus on the good that came from my work. I was able to pay for treatments. I had the flexibility to be there whenever she needed me. More than anything, I could use my platform to show that it’s possible to get the job done, even when faced with insurmountable challenges.

While it was tough, our family tackled this hardship with grace- and I’m grateful I stayed in the game. 

4. Please share your favorite Quote

My defining verse is 1 Peter 4:10. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

This verse reminds me every day of how I can’t step away from my calling because the fruits of my labors aren’t just for me to enjoy, but they’re part of an enduring legacy that brings glory to God. 

5. When did you consider yourself a SUCCESS?

Even though I was highly successful in my corporate career and had “it all”- six-figure salary, first-class flights, and fancy everything- there was still something missing. I wasn’t using my gifts to create lasting change.

I was more than a person in front of a presentation in a boardroom. There were more people to impact, and a message of truth- about living your legacy now- needed to be shared.

For me, success is bigger than just the bank account – I believe it’s possible to be purposeful and profitable. As part of my success, I’m building a legacy beyond my business, family, and community. I hope to impact the world. 

6. What is one obvious mistake people make in business all the time, and it drives you crazy?

The biggest mistake I see is the proliferation of ‘doing free,’ as I call it. It comes from the commonly misunderstood corporate business concept of ‘Loss Leaders.’

Larger companies will often deeply discount products to get clients in the door- knowing they’ll recover sales with built-up margins on associated products. However, a lack of understanding of this model has led to its misuse in small businesses and entrepreneurship.

Fundamentally, I don’t believe in giving away free and hold high the importance of valuing your skills, expertise, and talent. As a result, I’ve shown everyday entrepreneurs how to use their gifts to gain additional income.

I can break down complex business principles like this and give entrepreneurs step-by-step guidance on how to get paid- properly and sustainably- by walking in their purpose. 

7. Describe yourself in one word?

Relatable. If I can do it, you can too- if God can do it for me, He can do it for you. 

8. One piece of advice for women just entering the entrepreneur world?

You can’t be all the things, to all the people, all the time. We get good at granting grace to our spouses, children, coworkers, friends, and family, but we rarely give it to ourselves.

When being pulled in many directions, we have to recognize that as long as we try to be as present at the moment as possible- that is more than enough.

It’s a bold thing to take on entrepreneurship- and we should celebrate this boldness in ourselves- even when no one else does. 

Are you Feeling Inspired?

There it is, guys!

A real-life example of a mom killing it and making every second of her life count. I would love to encourage you to follow her on Instagram; you will see how she puts life as it is!

A successful career in corporate America was not enough, as she was meant to help stay-at-home parents and small business owners. Her transformative resources help everyday entrepreneurs get richer – in finances, relationships, and health.

Check out her website at and get ready to have a new and better perspective on life.

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Crosby Jeffler
Hi, I’m Crosby Jeffler. This blog will discuss my methods for creating multiple income streams. I generated over $2M of sales in the past two years, and I’ll share how I did it.