
Advanced Search Techniques for Modern SEO [Infographic]

SEO strategies are changing constantly. These advanced search techniques will help you find unique targets for link building.

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SEO is an ever-evolving industry. What worked a month ago may not work at all now, and may instead even lead to negative results.

And something that can totally relate to what we said above is a black hat approach to SEO. Many black hat SEO strategies that used to work like a charm a few years back are now almost a surefire way to get a penalty from Google.

With that said, we will be talking about learning and implementing modern white hat SEO strategies using advanced search operators and search queries. These strategies have been getting increasingly effective, and are usually also safe enough.

 For an Infographic Guide Scroll Down.

Finding Link Building Opportunities

Pretty much everything shared in the infographic can be used to come up with great SEO strategies. The basic search operators can be used to do some in-depth research, while the advanced search operators, along with advanced search queries, would help you discover great, natural link building strategies.

Some of them include:

  1. Guest posts
  2. Resource link building
  3. Adding your site to other sites that work as a directory or as a platform that links to useful sites in different niches
  4. Offering donations to non-profit organizations so that they link to you from their donors or sponsors page
  5. Creating a useful infographic or widget and promoting it through sites in your niche
  6. Using sponsored posts or paid reviews to promote your brand and products
  7. Using the link reclamation technique to get links from places that have mentioned your brand or site’s URL
  8. Apart from these, there are another three advanced link-building strategies that could help you get great links. Let us discuss them in detail.

Broken Link Building

This is one of the best modern link-building strategies. Yes, it may be a lot of work in many cases, but most times the result is well worth the effort.

The biggest advantage of this strategy is that it gives you an opportunity to get highly relevant and strong links in your niche, something which Google apparently absolutely loves.

The concept this strategy is based on is that you need to find links in your niche that actually link out to dead links. These may be sites that have been taken down or the specific pages that have got those links are now showing some kind of error.

Then, what you need to do is create similar or better content than what was there on those pages or sites, and pitch the sites that have these “broken” links. Of course, no active site would want to link out to dead pages or sites, and if your content is better than the sites they were linking out, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t want to link to you instead.

Here are the advanced search operators to find broken link-building opportunities:

  1. Keyword “resources”
  2. Keyword intitle:resources
  3. keyword “resources”
  4. keyword “links”
  5. Keyword “related links”

And many more as mentioned in the infographic. Basically, you need to find links on these pages that are dead, so that you can create a better resource and pitch it to them, asking them to replace the broken link with a link to your newly created resource.

Getting Links from Government Institutions

These are really powerful links, and even a few of them may skyrocket the rankings of your site. Here’s how you can find government institutions:

  1. For Google US: keyword
  2. For Google UK: keyword
  3. For Google India: “keyword” and “keyword”
  4. For others please refer to the infographic.

Getting Links from Sites That Review Products

  1. Product name intitle:review
  2. Product name intitle:comparison
  3. The infographic also mentions several other advanced search operators and queries to find sites that review different products

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Crosby Jeffler
Hi, I’m Crosby Jeffler. This blog will discuss my methods for creating multiple income streams. I generated over $2M of sales in the past two years, and I’ll share how I did it.